People who use taxis do not have cars. Public transit is on a limited schedule making using a bus harder
road to nowhere
JoinedPosts by road to nowhere
Reasonable question - looking for reasonable responses!
by BoogerMan inwhy are taxi firms still operating during a "deadly pandemic?".
i was shopping yesterday and saw taxi after taxi picking people & their shopping up at the supermarket.
none of the drivers or any of the passengers wore masks or gloves, nor did they keep any distance from each other - in or out of the car.. the drivers all helped to load the bags into the boots/trunks of their must be seriously at risk of catching/spreading covid 19...
Kingdom Hall Sales
by lastmanstanding invideo conferencing systems are being installed in kingdumb halls.
this is being charged to the congregations.. the ability to video conference, zoom, directly from the halls will now be the thing.. i believe that the current situation has given the wts an idea.. if there are two kingdom halls in an area, then one can be sold.. congregations will split the use, half using the hall one week and zooming the next and visa versa..
road to nowhere
More videos to negate the personality of speakers. We all know some prominent elders who (rare) are good men. The rest are pompous asses. They can put their corporate ** up.
Zoom zoom rules +
by Wakanda in1. and this is most important, everyone listen up: dress up like you normally would for meeting!
-oh, gawd.. 2. if you use a zoom background, make sure it is not distracting, or something crass like prison.
stick with something dignified and subtle.
road to nowhere
Dont forget nylons. I assume a nice blouse and skirt is more comfortable than a tie and jacket. Maybe the nylons make up for that
"comfort" wt study --may 3 2020.
by waton in20/20 (this year's) hindsights, reading between the lines:.
par 7-10. hanna's infertility: problem?
go to the organisation for help; the center of worship, shilo, to eli and his sons.
road to nowhere
First thing to do is go to meeting. Did they ever consider that gathering for encouragement is social contact? Not sitting for 2 hours listening to drivel
Zoom zoom rules +
by Wakanda in1. and this is most important, everyone listen up: dress up like you normally would for meeting!
-oh, gawd.. 2. if you use a zoom background, make sure it is not distracting, or something crass like prison.
stick with something dignified and subtle.
road to nowhere
Amazing how a person can get bored at meeting. Not. Actually the coffee, dusting, folding laundry, cleaning guns helps me keep awake if not alert. I have seen a few elders so quiet you wonder if they died. Wife still nags me to get dressed an hour or more before. There are so many people streaming I dont have to orchestrate failures
Brainwashing left a stain
by Fadeaway1962 inhi one of my jw parents died recently of old age , after decades of brainwashing of the dead are just a sleep and if we are good we would see them again in paradise .. i fully understand now you have one life and should make the best of it but finding it difficult at the moment to get my head around it .. it's just a bit of a rant but your the only ones that i can try and express how i feel and be able to understand after the years of brainwashing how it affects my thinking process.. thanks for any help and advice..
road to nowhere
The influence and personality is in our memory. It is natural to want to tell them things we gave done, get advice, share. We always miss the person. Christendom sends them to heaven, others have them come back as bugs, athiests face reality, witnesses wait for never land
Politically Neutral and No Part of this World....
by Davros innice to be here.
still a pimo and struggling through my fade.
i still have several jw friends on social media.
road to nowhere
So many demonize Trump. No looking at the faults of the other side.
If Trump is the " one" to bring armageddon shouldnt they be for him?
JW Memorial Gallery
by neat blue dog injwdotorg released a picture gallery with dozens of images from around the world of jws celebrating ('commemorating') via zoom, organized by continent:.
the vast majority of photos show the people's faces, but this european 'brother' is a rare exception.
road to nowhere
White wine. The catholic church specifies red ( blood), and witnesses follow it
Are All Of The Bethels Worldwide In Shutdown (Covid 19) ? Still Operating ?
by smiddy3 inhow about all of the printing activities including wt and awake magazines ,tracts and brochures etc.?.
are they all still a going concern ?.
how many people would there be on average at any one bethel home ?.
road to nowhere
They print very little. use commercial printers or have the home printers do it. The letter instructions now specify no tracts enclosed.
Simon publishes more useful stuff with a one man crew. If we took up a collection he could get a mimeograph
The purpose of conversion testimonies and stories
by LeeT ina hunch has just struck me.we get frequent accounts in the literature and videos of people whose dysfunctional lived have been turned around by studying with the jw's and coming to belief in the org (sorry, jehovah).
evangelical type christian groups also use similar testimony's the hunch:the purpose of these is quite different among jw's compared to other religions.other groups use these testimonies primarily to persuade non-believers.the jw's use them to reinforce the beliefs of those already in the "truth.
"any thoughts?.
road to nowhere
Factual? Every experience I had personal knowledge of was massaged beyond recognition. Or an outright lie.